Statement Batches
What is a statement batch?
Batches help you keep your statements tidy and organized by allowing statements for the same time period to be grouped together in logical batches e.g. March 2021 Batch.
It also makes it possible to generate reports, invoices etc., based on particular batch periods.
Certain reports, data feeds and invoice exporting functionality operate on the statements within a single batch.
This makes things much easier to manage and keeps your workflow clean. For example, if you wanted to generate a report of revenue received in October broken down by provider then you could run that report on just the statements in the October batch.
A batch is simply a place where provider statements and their data are gathered together.
Types of batches
Periodic batches
The most common type of batches are periodic i.e. they represent a period of time like a month or half month and all of the provider statements for that period should be placed into that particular batch.
Deleted statements batch
This batch can be used to store unwanted/deleted statements.
Ad hoc batch
As the name suggests, this batch can be used in an an "ad hoc" way. For example, you may want to temporarily store a subset of statements within this batch so you can perform some operations on just this subset of statements.
Statement batch panel
The "current" batch
The currently selected batch is very important!
It is the batch to which any uploaded revenue statements will be placed. Don't worry if you upload a revenue statement with the wrong batch selected - you can move statements between batches if you need to but more on that later.
The batch you select will be remembered, even after you have logged off and then log on again some time later - even if you log on via a different device.

Setting the current batch
The current batch is displayed in the drop down list in the Statement batch panel. To change the current batch click on the drop down list and select the desired batch.
Automatic batch creation
There is no need to create new batches: As each month passes the new batches required for the month are automatically created.
Moving statements
Occassionally you might accidentally have the wrong batch selected when uploading a revenue statement.
When this happens the revenue statement process in the statement table might show an orange warning in the "State" column indicating that the statement date does not match the batch it is placed it.
You can move a statement to a different batch by clicking on the "Move" icon and selecting the batch to which you wish to move the statement.