CARs and Advisers
How to configure your CARs and their advisers
CARs configuration tab
CAR configuration is performed in the 'CARs' tab in the configuration pages.
To access:

- Go to Statement processing for your licensee
- Click the Configuration button on the top right
- Click the 'CARs' tab

Creating and editing CARs
Use the 'New...' button to create a new CAR or 'Edit...' to edit an existing CAR.
CAR aliases
While editing a CAR you can enter a list of aliases for the CAR. Each alias must be specified on its own line in the aliases field.
Aliases are used to assist matching in cases where a CAR has been known by different names over time and some providers still refer to the CAR via a previous name. Add any previous names as aliases in the alias field and Feezily will be able to match to the CAR by its aliases or its current name.
Aliases are used to assist matching in cases where a CAR has been known by different names over time and some providers still refer to the CAR via a previous name. Add any previous names as aliases in the alias field and Feezily will be able to match to the CAR by its aliases or its current name.
A CAR has one or more advisers (also called agents in Feezily).
To view the list of a CAR's advisers simply click on the CAR name. The lower half of the page will display a list of all of the advisers in the CAR.
To view the list of a CAR's advisers simply click on the CAR name. The lower half of the page will display a list of all of the advisers in the CAR.
Adding an adviser
To add a new adviser:
- Select the CAR that you wish to add the adviser to from the list of CARs
- Scroll down to the section titled 'Advisers of selected CAR'
- Click the "Add adviser" button
- Fill in the details of the adviser and submit
Offboarding an adivser
To indicate that an adviser is longer associated with a CAR we must 'Offboard' the adviser.
We do not delete advisers because of the history of client revenue that may be associated with them and may need to be reported on at some time down the track.
Instead of deleting the adviser we 'Offboard' them which terminates/deactivates their adviser role - however it maintains all of their adviser bindings in case future revenue statements contain revenue items for that adviser.
To Offboard an adviser click the 'Offboard' button associated with their adviser record in the CAR's adviser list.
Instead of deleting the adviser we 'Offboard' them which terminates/deactivates their adviser role - however it maintains all of their adviser bindings in case future revenue statements contain revenue items for that adviser.
To Offboard an adviser click the 'Offboard' button associated with their adviser record in the CAR's adviser list.